Friday, November 19, 2010

I am a blogger... oh my gosh...

So I never thought this day would come.

I really don't know if anyone is even going to read this, and I honestly don't even care, but I'm just throwing it out there.

I'm not funny. I don't have profound wisdom. I don't have the meaning to life. All of these being reasons for a complete failure of a blog- but that's ok, cause this isn't for you. This is for me and for me to keep in mind what is really important in life.

Some people process mentally, some process verbally, and I honestly think that I process when I see it all written out in front of me and since my journal has six pages left on it and I'm a poor college student... I'm going paperless and putting it on the web!I think that such freedom comes from putting it all out there.

Some things you should know if you're going to read this:
  • I am blunt. I'm not going to sugar coat things, I'm going to tell it like it is- or at least how I think it is... If you don't like it, sorry.
  • I like to add lots of "..." s and "-"s , I don't know when it is grammatically correct to use them (if ever), so I'm sorry if they bother you... what can I say, I'm my mother's child :)
  • I love my family- this includes my biological family, my church family, my school family, my CRU family, my Sky Ranch family and every other family that I have... I love them and I can't believe the Lord has blessed me so much with such amazing people in my life. It's kinda like taylor swift writing songs about everyone in her life... if you come into my life, don't be surprised if you end up on the blog (especially if you mess with one of them... then it's REALLY on!) ;)
  • Lastly, I try to live in a way my life is completely devoted to the Lord. I have a growing relationship with the Lord who I believe died for my sins on the cross and rose again three days later defeating death. Because of that I am saved and will spend eternity in His presence praising him. And I'm SO excited about it. :)
If you can accept those things, I think we're good to go. I have no idea how often I'll update this, or how exciting it will be, but it's going to be fun... I'm just sayin :)

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